

I can’t feel my fingers
All I see is white
It’s been a year since the sky exploded with ice
They warned
We didn’t listen
Then everything went downhill
I can’t feel my fingers
All I see is white
The world was gripped with terror
Nobody knew what to do
Then everything went downhill
I can’t feel my fingers
All I see is white
People died
Animals died
Plants died
The earth died
Then everything went downhill
I can’t feel my fingers
All I see is white
I’m alone
I don’t know if others survived
God, I’m hungry!
Everything’s going downhill
I can’t feel my fingers
All I see is white
Excruciatingly starving
Looking at my hands
Everything’s gone downhill
*Inspired by the movie, Snowpiercer and Stephen King’s short story, Survivor Type.

Author: Ryan Bestre

Environmentalist. Teacher. Writer.

24 thoughts on “Cold”

  1. How did you do that? I kept looking for a tool to do this, Photoshop? Gimp?

    Well I spiraled downhill to your cold hands as you intended, reading in the spiral, and your anaphora reminded me each time that one cycle was done. Excellently executed! Bravissimo!

    Liked by 1 person

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