Why not a Green Christmas

Tis the season to be jolly. It’s also the season where it seems like it’s okay to indulge in excessive eating, spending, and consuming. Over consumption equates to more stress on the environment. But here are some ways on how you could make your Christmas celebration greener.

  1. Declutter and give away your stuff. Let go of things you’re not using. They may be useful to other people. Before thinking of going shopping, look through your belongings for hidden gems that could be the perfect gift for someone else.
  2. If you do have to buy a present, make sure it’s useful, environment-friendly, and has less packaging. And buy from local stores and social entrepreneurs if you can.
  3. Bring re-usable bags when going shopping.
  4. Wrap your gifts with fabric (like the Japanese do, furoshiki-style), newspaper, paper bags, or old Christmas wrappers.
  5. Don’t use disposables during parties. It’s too much a hassle washing up and all but think of the amount of garbage you generate from all the parties (double whammy for plastics, straws, and styro).
  6. Prepare local, organic, healthy dishes; less meat and more veggies. Your body and the earth will thank you for it.
  7. Don’t waste food. Compost food scraps to reduce potential waste.



Photo from: http://www.the-open-mind.com/top-tips-for-a-greener-eco-christmas/


Author: Ryan Bestre

Environmentalist. Teacher. Writer.

5 thoughts on “Why not a Green Christmas”

  1. This is a really good guide for this holiday! I like no.1! I realized I had too many jackets and I started giving some of it away. It is difficult especially because of the Filipino culture of storing things but it is beneficial to both parties. 😀 Go Green!!!

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